The initial offering in our new series features the one and only Luciano Calderon. We’ve had the pleasure of working with Luciano previously. His work graces the cover of Disintegration 03, in which he also converses with Victor J. Webster where Luciano shared parts of his life story, his ethos, his struggles, and his hopes for the future of tattooing.
Within the pages of Bajo Mundo lies a treasure trove of stencil work from Luciano that he used to create real tattoos. These are not just pieces of art; these are the foundations for his body of work. In addition to artwork, Luciano has provided personal photographs and words of contemplation in order to paint a more complete picture not only of who he is as an artist, but who he is as a human being.
5.75” x 8.25”
176 pages
Perfect Bound Paperback
ISBN: 979-8-9891815-7-5